All of our church plants use the name “Iglesia Cuerpo de Cristo”, which is the name associated with Christian churches in the Dominican Republic. Each of our 6 congregations has their own facility and operates separately from the others, but they regularly engage in joint services where some or all of the congregations will worship and fellowship together.
The Punta Cana Christian Church was founded in the fall of 2007 and regular weekly services began in January 2008. The church began in a large white tent and continued gathering together in this tent until the completion of the auditorium in the fall of 2012. The name of the neighborhood where the auditorium is located is named “Villa Esperanza,” or “The Village of Hope.” We pray that the Punta Cana Christian Church will continue to share the “real hope,” Jesus Christ, to the surrounding area of Veron.
The La Romana Christian Church was originally founded by Dominican pastors Benito and Rosa Martinez in the fall of 2002. They began holding services in their living room, but were quickly out of space. Therefore, they began holding the services in the carport of their home. In September 2003, upon being invited, missionaries Rick and Suzanne York arrived in La Romana to help take the leadership of the La Romana Christian Church. Soon after the arrival of the Yorks, the congregation decided it was time to find a larger, more permanent place of worship. After praying for several months, God opened the doors for the new congregation to meet in part of a building called the “Centro Mutualista.” The church began meeting in the rundown auditorium of the Centro Mutualists with promises to remodel and repair. Needless to say, the church gladly repaired the auditorium and had its inaugural service in February 2004.The LRM Christian Church still resides in the Centro Mutualista where it has continued to make repairs and reach the community under the direction of Pastor Victor Hernandez and his wife, Heidy.
The Punta Cana Christian Church was founded in the fall of 2007 and regular weekly services began in January 2008. The church began in a large white tent and continued gathering together in this tent until the completion of the auditorium in the fall of 2012. The name of the neighborhood where the auditorium is located is named “Villa Esperanza,” or “The Village of Hope.” We pray that the Punta Cana Christian Church will continue to share the “real hope,” Jesus Christ, to the surrounding area of Veron.
Our newest church plant is located in the community of Brisas del Mar on the outskirts of La Romana. Using the same location as our medical outreach, we are ministering to the spiritual needs of the area as well. Bible studies are already being held in the community and worship services will begin soon.
Ana Mulla and Otra Banda are both provinces on the outskirts of the city of Higuey, and both areas have large Haitian populations. The churches in these areas, lead by Pastor Antonio, joined Eastern Dominican Christian Mission in 2015 and are predominantly Haitian congregations.
We are actively planting two churches in the communities of El Siebo and Veron. We expect to launch our El Siebo church in the beginning of 2024 with Pastor Damian. Pastor James is working hard in Veron launching bible studies and meeting with the community.
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